Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Life with kids and foodies

DSC_5428Sticky fingers, spilled juice on the floor and carpet, banging on the furniture with hard objects, pushing every button on the remote control “Hey I was watching that show”, going number 2 right after changing diaper or do #1 in bath tub full of water, high pitched screams in my ear caused temporary deafness, multiple finger prints on stainless steel fridge door which I just polished, losing patience with what seems like endless whining, sassy attitude, jumping on my stomach from couch let out painful moan and laugh from a child, so many no’s on food I prepared, saying too many no’s by tired baby sitter…. those are some of  not my favorite things inflicted by favorite grandchildren. DSCN0213DSCN0209

Having an another Foodie in the house is interesting yet tricky. My daughter and I have different food styles. She is more organic and comfort. I go for looks and adore pretty plates. I love seafood, she, not so much. In her college years, she made onion bread that has chunk of onion in it. I was very surprised in a negative way. She developed her cooking skills on her own and she is an excellent cook. One thing is certain, we both like slow food and take our time cooking and enjoy the pleasure of finding new restaurants to eat at.DSC_5438

We had a dinner at Kin Restaurant in Down Town Portland. We liked it!  Here are Chinese style pork belly buns.DSCN0118

Korean style pancake and kimchee on the sideDSCN0121

Sautéed long beans with shrimp DSCN0127

Kobe beef DSCN0122DSCN0135

Pork two wayDSCN0124DSCN0119

We ordered every dessert on the menu.DSCN0128DSCN0129DSCN0133DSCN0134

Can you tell? We liked them all.DSCN0136DSCN0108

We had great weather on 4th of July.DSC_5421DSC_5413DSC_5412DSC_5437

Having friends over for Sunday dinner is a blessing. DSC_5485DSCN0204DSC_5484DSCN0206DSC_5481DSC_5478DSC_5489

My daughter made a Momofuku Milk grasshopper pie for dessert. DSC_5491

Home made gyoza last night…should make more.DSC_5493

Smores for desserts.DSC_5498DSC_5497


Smell of freshly shampooed hair, wrapping them with towels that are bigger than them, bed time kisses and hugs, saying I love you and hearing them repeating same precious words, tucking them in, sleeping sounds and making myself a cup of hot chocolate then flumping on the couch are some of my favorite things.

Visit Oregon Zoo-Hot day…many animal were taking nap. DSCN0151DSCN0170DSCN0172DSCN0168

Lovely flowers everywhere on the zoo ground.DSCN0195DSCN0149DSCN0155DSCN0159DSCN0194


  1. Your blog today was especially nice. Lovely pictures of your family, friends, food, and flowers. (The 4 F's) Your grandchildren are adorable and they just made me more excited to meet my first one. I look forward to Tuesday's so I can read your blog. Nice job!!

    1. Leanne, Thank you so much. I wish I have a good photo of you to put on my blog. You will be a great grandma, I know it. Grateful for your friendship.

  2. We have enjoyed having conversations with your sweet granddaughter through the fence:) She is such a little talker, very inquisitive, super smart and oh so beautiful and just last night your grandson came over to the fence and we got to meet him too!

    1. You and your family are great neighbor and I(we) feel lucky! Thank you so much for being so kind.

  3. 忙しそうだけど、楽しそうな写真ばかり!そして美味しそうー。娘さんとの食事の好みの違い、思い白いですね。私も息子とは似てるけど、娘は断然主人に似てます。息子は本当日本人の血が濃い・・・(笑)。楽しいポストをありがとう。いつも心が温かくなります。ってなんか外国人が翻訳したみたいな日本語。そろそろ日本語がヤバイかも?

    1. ありがとうなみちゃん。 トップ100には入れるくらいすごいなみちゃんに褒めてもらえてうれしいわ。 黒ゴマのアイスクリーム早く、食べたい!

  4. yummy food and now I am craving for pot stickers! Seriously.

    1. Thank you Kankana. Promise me to call when you're in Portland. I really love your black and white ice cube photo.
