Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Curry Noodle Soup

With Spicy Curry Oil

DSC_4827While watching the Japanese television showSmap x Smap’ which I downloaded from the network, I saw that one of the teams made a  curry noodle soup dish that looked scrumptious! Suddenly I was craving fat noodles – udon.

Although I was not able to find the exact recipe, I toyed with it and came up with a recipe that I think is acceptable. A few drops of curry oil enhanced the flavor so make the oil first.

Ingredients for Spicy Curry Oil yield approximately 1/2 cup

  • 3 Tablespoons curry powder
  • 200cc Olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed with the flat side of a knife
  • 1x1 inch cube of ginger root peeled and sliced
  • 1 dried Japanese red hot pepper (optional), seeds removed and slice the pod. Note: if you like spicy, use more.DSC_4793
  1. Put curry powder in small pot. Dry sauté the curry powder at low heat until fragrant  –do not burn.
  2. Pour oil in, add garlic, ginger and red pepper if using then simmer on low heat for10 minutes. Turn off heat and cool in pan.DSC_4797
  3. Set a sieve lined with paper towel on top of bowl,  strain the oil.DSC_4800DSC_4802

Ingredients and Instruction for Curry Noodle Soup for 2-4 servings (Print Recipe Here)

  • 1/2 of large onion thinly sliced
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 pound of thinly sliced beef (sukiyaki style), cut into 2 inch length
  • 6 cups water –  add less water if you like thick soup
  • 2-4 (50g to100g) curry roux block
  • 150cc mentsuyu sauce (I used Zarusoba Straight as it has no MSG)IMG_1598
  • 1 packet (1 tablespoon) of bonito no-MSG dashi powderIMG_1599
  • Frozen udon noodle –1 bundle per person
  • 1-2 stalk of green onion thinly sliced
  1. Heat oil in large pot at medium low heat, put onion in and sauté until transparent
  2. Add beef and continue cooking till the beef is no longer pink.DSC_4812
  3. Pour water and mentsuyu sauce in and cook until boil, simmer for 10 minutes at low heat. Scoop out if white scum appears on top.DSC_4813
  4. Mean while cook udon noodle with plenty of hot water. Drain the water through colander. Divide noodle in individual bowls. Note: Frozen udon noodle is already fully cooked, just warm it up.DSC_4819
  5. When the meat and onion are tender, dissolve curry roux blocks and bonito powder. Adjust flavoring to suit your taste. Pour the soup over the noodle, garnish with green onion and serve hot with the curry oil on the side.DSC_4838

Grilled pineapple with curry oil is an exquisite flavor combination. I’m sure you can find other uses for curry oil.DSC_4818DSC_4833


We had a overnight guest from Utah. He and his family used to live in a neighboring town, one of his daughters baby sat my son a couple of decades ago…he call my son ‘Merwin’ just to tease him…on his way to Newport, Oregon for fishing. His remarkable efforts to organize and raise funds for autistic children is commendable. Click here for more information. IMG_1592

I feel some sadness seeing this beautiful sunset. I know the summer is fleeting fast. I’m not ready for the summer to end.IMG_1584

…..I suppose I could prepare to welcome the romantic Autumn?

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Your curry udon looks amazing! I'm ready for our summer to end here. It's way too hot right now.

  2. Love your curry udon! A simple and moreish meal. Can't wait to try it!

  3. At one point of my life, I was so put off by curry meals...but the introduction of Japanese curry changed it all...there's that hint of sweetness that's a mystery:) Can't help but imagine what delicious Japanese curry noodle you made! I was drooling! Did you had the curry while watching the beautiful sunset scenery past the farm land? ... I could have joined you:) Wishing you an enjoyable summer to the very end!

    1. Thank you Annie. I would like to see your garden someday, sounds awesome!

  4. Comforting and so tasty! This soup looks fantastic. I wish I could have a bowl of it right now.



    1. Thank you so much Rosa. You're a truly talented photographer. I enjoyed the tour of Switzerland.

    2. Thank you so much dear! Doing my best... ;-)

  5. ここにもアメリカでしっかり日本人としてのアイデンティティを保ちながら楽しく生きておられる方がおられることを知り感激です。料理研究家ですか?数ポスト拝見しましたが、どれもおいしそう!熟れきったイチジクをそのままスプーンですくって食べるのが好きですが、焼いてもおいしそうですね。ピザのトッピングにもいいですよ、チーズや生ハムとあうんです。カレーうどんはカレー粉からつくることはありませんが、これも好きです。なんだかお腹が空いてきましたが就寝前ですので我慢します。

    ブログへのご訪問ありがとうございました。奥の細道の序文の訳はDonald Keene氏のものです。お父様の一周忌での帰国、ご家族との温かいふれあいと楽しいご旅行を祈っています。


    1. ありがとうございます。 研究家なんて、とんでもない。食べるのが好きな私は、食べるのが大好き主人と結婚して、いつもレシピ捜してます。 わーい!イチジクをピザのTopping にするアイデア、美味しそう! 生ハムも好きなので、ぜひ、試したいコンボです。
      あなたのブログとても素敵だと思います。 またお伺いします。

  6. Looks and sounds amazing! Lovely photos, thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you Linda. I enjoyed your unique blog very much.

  7. Curry Oilって、すごいです!これは作ってみなくては!!!カレー見ると食べたくなる。そしてカレーうどん!ライスもうどんもどちらも好きです。こんな美味しいカレーみたら、やっぱり食べたくなります。

    1. ありがとうなみちゃん。 京都の旅ログ面白かったです。またとても役に立ちました。 予算の関係で豪勢には出来ない旅だけど、毎年何やかやと日本に行ける事を感謝してます。 

  8. What an original udon idea! And what a beautiful presentation! I have never heard of curry oil, but it seems also very original and delicious. It's funny because I have been on a kind of udon frenzy recently... Have you seen the film "Udon"? Very inspiring (and making you hungry!).

    1. Yes! I have seen the 'Udon' movie! One my favorite food movie! I got hungry for udon right after watching it.

      Thank you so much for your comment Sissi.

  9. my Indonesian licking would love any spicy dish like this, unfortunately i need to skip the pinneaple since i'm allergic with it,

    ithink your curry oil would be lovely with seafood risotto!

    1. Thanks Chef! Seafood risotto with curry oil sounds mighty fine!

  10. こんばんは。 Smap X Smap を見ていらっしゃるのですか。私の妻もよく見ております。 カレーウドンとても美味しそうです。 オリジナリティに溢れています。お父様の一周忌にいらっしゃるのですか。大変ですね。
     私はいつも妻の手抜き料理を食べています。 もう修正を願うには遅すぎてしまいました。 

    1. あははは。可笑しい! 奥様はきっと他のところに長けていられるのでしょうね。

      SmapxSmap は時々見ます。 料理の勉強になります。

  11. すみません。いただいたメールが行くへ不明になりました。 いま一度、送っていただけますか。

  12. Never has grilled pineapple before, but from that pic and how it looks, I'm in and will definitely give it a try.
    charcoal and gas grill combo
