Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Pleasure to know you

With gratitude

IMG_2144Although I’m on holiday break, I popped back on to say thank you to all my readers and followers. I’m letting you know that I will probably be back sometime in January (?)… maybe…perhaps…not sure. I’m ashamed to say and some of you already knew that I’m not really an organized person so to discover that, in an oh-my-word moment … I’ve been blogging for 4 years?

That’s lots of foods! Right? If not for my love of food, I probably would have starved…I mean I’m thinner! I adore things associated with food, like seeing someone grinning over whatever I fixed or getting a praise of ‘wow! or someone describing me as a great cook…who? me? why thank you!  I am blessed to have my husband who shares my emphasis of cooking, he is my sues chef…very patient sues chef and often a wish granter…
Oo-la- la, look at this! Don’t you wish to have this for breakfast tomorrow? As you wish, he might would say.DSC_5660
Gift of holiday sweets and snacks we received. And the left over orange and chocolate pound cake (on the plate) I made for someone…they liked it!

Anyway, my blogger friends, you’re marvelous! You inspired me tremendously over the years with your photographs or your stories..oh yeah, and your foods!  I may not cook like Dentist for example, your foods are a feast for my eyes! Your stories are compelling, full of laughter and even in sadness, I saw hope, that’s I think beautiful!

So Thank You again from the bottom of my heart… and know that I’m wishing you the best.

 DSC_5662My husband made two loaves of Challah bread. One to give away as Christmas gift and the other we had it for supper.

Highlight of last week!

caryMy husband and I went to saw ‘Westley’. He was so charmingly funny! IMG_2136
Here is a inconceivably bad picture I took…as if I was star – stricken.
……Anybody want a chicken? just kidding!

I hate for people to die embarrassed…right.


  1. Your husband really can bake! Lucky you!!
    Have a safe and wonderful holiday season!

    1. Thank you Angie. Start the new year right, I must make your persimmon salad today!

  2. Merry Christmas!!! I love your blog and you too!

  3. Thanks for the support, kind words and for being a lovely blogger friend!

    I wish you and yours a fabulous Christmas! May you have a wonderful time.



    1. Thank you so much Rosa. I hope you're doing well.

  4. Wow! Your husband is very talented! Have a Wonderful Christmas!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. こんばんは。 楽しそうなクリスマスですね。素敵なブログを読ませていただきました。

    1. 明けましておめでとうございます! 新年をステキな場所で始められて良かったですね。 とても美しい写真拝見させていただきました。今年もよろしくお願いします。

  7. Ah, You have a great gift for rhyme.

  8. Merry Christmas!!! Hope to "see" you again in the coming year . . . at least once in awhile . . .

  9. Thank you for all the goodies you have sent our way these last few months…each one has been enjoyed!!!

    1. Thank you Danae. Thank you for being a great neighbor!

  10. I wish to you a very Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Katerina. I hope you have happy 2015!


  11. Olá amiga...Feliz ano novo!
    Seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano, harmonioso e de doação.
    Todos somos promotores da Paz...que começa em nossos corações e se estende a tudo que nos rodeia!!!
    Obrigada por fazer parte da minha história de vida!
    UM ABENÇOADO 2015!!!!

  12. Dear Nipponnin, I do hope it's a festive season's blues that made you hesitate about the return. I was deeply moved reading your kind words. You are such an inspiration to me (and all of us), I cannot imagine you not coming back in EARLY January! Happy New Year and I hope to see and read you very very soon!
