Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Chocolate Jam Cake

With Polka Dot Collar

<Note: Once again Livewriter and Blogger are not working with each other so if this post looks a little off, my apologies>
The day has come to post my final blog. I get emotional leaving the blogging world and don’t know how to go about it…not quite ready to say goodbye so I will just say that I’m taking a long vacation…in that way, I can come back if I miss sharing the wonderfully, spectacular, amazing recipe I find on my vacation, right?

This has been a pretty busy year. The family room remodeling we started back in June finally finished last week, yay!  Four trips to see our grandchildren plus the contractor took a three week over-sea trip as well (we didn't see him for 5 weeks and I was a little worried) delayed the finish. During the extra hectic six months, I was just so ready to quit, however, I wanted to see the 5 year blog anniversary which came on December 4th. Now it’s time to do something new. 
I have made some great dishes, many were good, a few were so-so and the rest were nasty. I posted them all because I didn’t have a back-up. My readers are so kind leaving very nice comments each week. I’m truly grateful for that.
This recipe I chose for my last entry is Italian cake from my old cook book, somewhat dense though, the polka dots resemble falling snow…great fit for Christmas scene (don’t you think?) and has nostalgic mayonnaise cake like flavor.

Ingredients and Instruction for 1 nine inch cake pan (Print Recipe Here)

Necessary equipment – food scale, stand or hand held electric mixer, sifter, 9 inch round with at least 2-1/2 inch depth cake pan, parchment paper
For cake -
  • 125g butter (1 stick and 1 Tablespoon), room temperature
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup strawberry jam
  • 1/3 cup self rising flour*
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour*
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda*
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder*  Note: Combine all asterisk marked ingredients and sift 3 times, do not skip this process
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  1. Grease inside of the pan with butter or oil. Cut parchment paper to fit bottom and side inside (1/2 taller than the pan) of the pan. Heat oven to 350F.
  2. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar with mixer until light and creamy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs one at a time, beat well after each addition. Then add strawberry jam, mix very well.
  3. Fold in pre-sifted flour mixture alternately with buttermilk with large spatula. Stir until smooth but avoid over mixing.
  4. Pour batter into prepared cake pan and bake for 45 minutes until wooden skewer comes out clean. Leave in the pan for 5 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool. Peel off the paper.
For White Chocolate Icing -
  • 150g (4-3/4 oz) white chocolate, cut in small pieces though, not necessary if using round melts.
  • 125g (4oz) butter, cubed
  • 1/3 cup cream 
  1. Combine chocolate, butter and cream in a small pan. Stir oven low heat until melted. Transfer into small bowl to cool, stirring occasionally. It will be semi-solid in about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. Transfer cake to serving plate. Spread sides and top of cake evenly.
For Chocolate Collar – measure the height , circumference of cake with ruler. Cut parchment paper accordingly.
  • 40g (1-1/3oz) white chocolate, shaved
  • 80g (2-2/3oz) dark chocolate, shaved
  1. Melt white chocolate in double-boiler on low heat until creamy. Drop melted chocolate randomly on prepared paper strip and smooth  to flatten a little bit. Allow to set, about 40 minutes to 1 hour. Note: over-heating chocolate make the chocolate grainy so do not go beyond 120F. 96F is ideal temperature. I recommend to use instant read food thermometer.
  2. Melt dark chocolate the same way as above. Working quickly, spread the chocolate evenly over the entire strip.
  3. Immediately  wrap the chocolate side of paper around cake. Wait for the chocolate to set. Carefully peel the paper off. Refrigerate cake until ready to serve. Dust top with cocoa powder.
I put strawberry Santas on for seasonal effect – I loved that each Santa has his own character…’みんな違って、みんないい' We are all different and all wonderful!…famous quote of Misuzu Kaneko the Japanese poet.

Like I said, every blogger is different and all are wonderful! I come to enjoy each one of you and your gifts. I was inspired, got misty eyes and laughed out loud.
Thank you, thank you very much! I’m thankful for my husband also for huge part of creating, without him and his support this would have never happened. I will continue to follow you as much as I can. I am wishing you the very best…you all are awesome!

First time in three years, I put up a Christmas tree…the vaulted ceiling makes the tree look so small…but cute…

 I sincerely hope the season will bring you peace and love.


  1. The fireplace looks so heartwarming and your recipes always look mouthwatering. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you Linda for your kind comment. I copied so many great quotes from you post.

  2. Awwww . . . I'll miss you. Thank you for all the years of delicious recipes, great photos and very entertaining dialogue. I will still keep an eye out for you . . . just in case . . . Happy Holidays!!! Love you!

  3. I love your fireplace!! The cake looks so beautifully decorated with the strawberry snowman and I bet it tastes as great as it looks.

    1. Thank you Angie! Your dishes look marvelous! I will get some endive soon to make the salad/appetizer.

  4. You have been a great inspiration for many and have truly become an encouraging friend to me and even to my teenage daughter! (really strange as we never even met each other in person!...but I hope we will meet you one day:) I am keeping your blog and will be here to wait for the come back, whenever it will be. Have a wonderful break, enjoy home and your precious family:) You're one very smart lady..Akemi!

    1. Thank you Annie. Love your garden, very inspiring. Your daughter is so kind and intelligent. Please send my love and gratitude.

  5. I just read your newsletter (email) this morning and I'm in shock! Whaaaat! Sorry I didn't get to visit to leave a comment but I have been always enjoying your stories. So sad that I don't get to read new posts anymore... By the way, congrats on your new grand daughter! Best wishes to you and your family and stay in touch!

  6. Wow!! This cake looks delicious! I love the strawberry snowmen...so creative! I just found your blog and i really like it and i am so sad to hear that you are done blogging, but i want to wish you much luck for your future endeavors!

    1. Hi Vicky and Ruth, thank you so much for your kind comment. I can't wait to try your Detox smoothie. Love your photo technique too.

  7. What a pretty cake! The strawberry Santas are adorable. And I love the quote by Misuzu Kaneko very much!
    I'm sad you are done blogging. I really miss your beautiful and yummy looking dishes, and your stories. I wish you a good luck and hope we can keep in touch :-)

    1. Dear Tamago chan, Thank you so much. I will drop by your blog time to time. あけましておめでとう!

  8. wonderful cake and have a great vacation I will really miss your posts, your a lovely person "-)

    1. Thank you Rebecca. I can't wait see your new adventure/development of your farm land.

  9. あらぁ、なんだか寂しい。でもVacationだそうで、気分転換も必要です。暖炉のある素敵なお部屋でゆっくり休んでくださいね。香りごと伝わってきそうな美味しいお料理やスイーツだけでなく、ユーモアと愛情たっぷりの楽しいおしゃべり満載のブログを楽しんできました。ありがとう。今回のケーキもサンタさんと雪模様が可愛いです。





    1. 洋子さん、コメントありがとうございます。 お孫さんもお孫さんのケーキも本当に愛らしです。楽しいポストでした。
      紅葉がクリスマスなんて、なんだかピンとこないですね。前から北野天満宮の紅葉を見たいと思っていました。機会を作って行きたいです。 今年もよろしくお願いします。

  10. I'll miss reading your posts and thanks so much for sharing all your lovely recipes!

  11. こんばんは。 今回でブログの世界から卒業ですか、短い期間ですが、楽しくコメントの交換を出来た事に心から感謝しております。
     一度、お会いできた事もとても良い思い出になりました。 最近、日本語でコメントを頂ける事も、少なくなって来まして、私もそろそろ潮時かとも考えております。

    1. ありがとうございます。 ブログを辞めるのは、かなり勇気が必要でしたが、他にしたいプロジェクトがあり、決心しました。いつか、フードブログではないブログをはじめようかとも考えています。 親切なコメントありがとうございました。 これからも斎藤さんのブログに、時々お邪魔させていただいきたいと思っています。 健康で、良い年をむかえられますように、祈っています。奥様にもよろしく。

    2.  おはようございます。フェイスブックにお名前がありましたので、友達のリクエストのメッセージ送信しました。 もし宜しかったらアクセプトお願いします。
       日本語のコメントがほとんど来なくなったので、コメントいただけて嬉しかったです。 Minoru Saito

  12. Those little strawberry Santas are incredibly cute! Happy Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Thank you Katerina. I enjoy visiting your blog and learn about your culture, history and fan reading the Greek myth.

  13. 美味しそう★★

    1. ありがとうございます。 YouTube すごくよくできてますね。 楽しいです。 これからも頑張ってくださいね。

  14. 美味しそう★★

  15. I am very glad to have "met" you and I hope that one day soon we shall meet in person and have lunch.

    I have yet to post my version of mushroomy chicken inspired by you.

    Please know that your sharing of photos, recipes, and life have been wonderful with someone like me to visit from time to time.

    God bless and take care, until we meet again.

    1. Thank you so much Aunty. So fun to visit your blog...I almost always laughing out laud and put me in better mood.

  16. Why???? and how come I have missed this last of your posts??? So sorry to come so late here... I was so busy between my holidays in Japan and preparations for Christmas and lots of end of the year work at the office....
    I'm so sad to learn you will no longer be blogging! I only hope you will miss it and one day change your mind :-) I have truly enjoyed visiting your blog and admiring your impressive creations that were highly inspiring! I will miss you so so much.... but I must say you have chosen a piece of art for this last recipe on your blog. Gorgeous!
    Take care and please consider coming back one day!

  17. コメントありがとうございます。遅いご挨拶になりましたが、新年おめでとうございます。12月いっぱいパソコンの前にあまり座りませんでしたので、コメントがすっかり遅くなりました。



  18. コメントありがとうございます。遅いご挨拶になりましたが、新年おめでとうございます。12月いっぱいパソコンの前にあまり座りませんでしたので、コメントがすっかり遅くなりました。



  19. 新年のご挨拶ありがとうございました。孫のパティシエのポストもみるだけでなく温かいコメントまでいただき感謝です。ブログの更新がないことをわかっていても日付が12月15日で止まっていると、少し寂しいきもしました。でも、腕がムズムズしだして新しいブログを開かれたならURLを教えてくださいね。おばあちゃん業も忙しくなるでしょう。体に気を付けて最愛のご主人と楽しい平和な年でありますように。


  20. ブログへのご訪問ありがとうございました。私もブログをやめればもっと他のことができると思いつつ続けています。こういうこと好きなのかな?政府が観光客の呼び込みに桜のキャンペーンをしていてますます観光客が増えそう。国内旅行でも2年前までは予約なしで何処か泊まるところはあったのですが今は無理なようです。長野方面では雪化粧の山々と桜のコラボが素敵でしょうね。またの春か秋に(夏以外希望)奈良に来られることがあれば一緒に写真撮りましょう。お元気で。

  21. Oh no... Just when I come back to visiting again, you're leaving? I hope this is just a vacation and that you'll return again when the mood hits. I love seeing all your beautiful food. Yum. Your delicious creations come through beautifully on this post. Enjoy your holiday, but please come back again when you can.

  22. ブログやめられたのによく見ていただいて感謝です。困っている方々へのお手伝いえらい、きっといいことが起こりますよ。写真で見ますお姿とても魅力的でおきれいです。私はこの年(もうすぐ65)になるとせめて心優しく笑顔でいようと居直っています。


    コンマリ流片づけですか? 私もあと5年以内にはすっきりしたいです。今は孫のおもちゃなど余計増えてしまいました。では、お元気に、Happy landing!

  23. ブログ訪問して下さり有難うございます。昨年末、ハワイから戻られたばかりなのに、色々お忙しそう。でもお元気そうで良かったです。




  24. Strawberry, chocolate! I love them. And i also love this food. ^^

  25. I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and that I miss seeing you around. I hope all is O.K. with you. Hugs.

  26. Just stopping by to let you know that I miss you, and that I hope all is well for you. Warm hugs.

  27. Damn Delicious!!!
    damn i missed your awesome step by step recipe

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  30. Great read! Always enjoy the insights and creativity shared here.

  31. Such a heartfelt farewell post! Your recipes and stories will be missed—hope to see you back someday! ❤️

  32. Such a heartfelt farewell post! Your recipes and stories will be missed—hope to see you back someday! ❤️
